Im conflicting between "doing what i want" and "being safe". it pains me that i have to makke this choice. ive always imagined going out and having fun as an adult, and oh how i couldnt be more wrong. now even when i am Capabale of making rhat choice, i feel scared. for now i will put my anxietites to the side, and enjoy the now.

9/21 11:58p

I have to make an effort to believe my life has not been a waste. My life so far has been one I can say has not been absolutely horrible. Many people are far less fortunate than I. I have been able to be happy, therefore my life is not a waste. My anxiety makes me believe in a negative feedback loop, and I have to remind. myself that I can be proud of myself, sometimes. That is crucial now more than ever.
I am proud of the life I am living!