What a day.
I was on my tumblr scrolling in a game tag, immediately hit in the face with someone tagging their pro-zionist rant in the game tag! They were very loud and annoying, saying "go ugly cry about it! also i just want to chill and not talk politics". BITCH YOU POSTED THIS IN A TAG OF A GAME MADE IN 2002! I should've just reported it as spam, but I felt compelled to give my 2 cents on the matter...
I'm not a confrontational person. Hostile encounters stress me out. But this person was just.... delusional! About the reality of the situation! Long story short they called me racist (lol) for not wanting my tax dollars funding bombs blowing up babies. And then they blocked me. But still continued replying to me after the fact? At that point youre just proving you can't handle being challenged if you have to make sure you get the last lecture in lmao.
In all seriousness, it fucking pissed me off seeing that shit. How fucking dare you sit there and type about how "in danger" you are from people rightfully being against genocide, from the comfort of your house. This isn't me saying Jewish people don't have anything to fear, I'm well aware of their discrimination, and that shouldn't happen. Everyone has the right to live a safe and happy life. Including the Arabic people, including the Palestinians.
The Palestinians are literally livestreaming their own ahniliation. Of COURSE I'll be against that shit. If you take that as an attack, then you fucking deserve it. You don't deserve to be safe if the only way you can be safe is through complete destruction of others. Fuck you.
Anyways, that person was disgusting, and I'm thankful they took the trash out for me! Even better, I was supported by other people in the tag! It was a pleasant surprise!
And now I'm in a new group I was always to insecure to particpate in! hooray!!!!I did something amazing today :D
Normally I always feel some sort of sympathy for even those who aren't nice to me, but for this occasion I'll make an exception :)
(ps, I didnt even say much, i just posted links of fundraisers on their post. they called it a scam of course, but I was pretty proud of my response★☆)
From the River to the sea, Palestine WILL be Free!